Australia i Polonia

A Town Called Brzostek directed by Simon Target

A Town Called Brzostek
directed by Simon Target
screening this Sunday
12 July 2015, 3:00pm
at the Jewish Museum
British Professor Jonathan Webber decides to rebuild an abandoned Jewish cemetery in the remote Polish town of Brzostek where his grandfather was born. He asks the local Poles for help and invites Jewish families from Sydney, New York, Israel and Paris for an opening ceremony.
But will they come? Do Poles and Jews today care about their common history in Poland?Or has the Holocaust destroyed that 800 year relationship forever? What happens next surprises even the stoic Professor himself.
‘A truly moving tale of determination and acceptance’
Roz Tarszisz, JWire.
‘All I can say is thank you Jonathan Webber, thank you Simon Target the film maker, thank you the people of Brzostek!’
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, POLIN Muzeum.A town