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Tag: Bankstown Polish Club
31 Finał Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy
Big news! The theme of the 31st Grand Finale revealed: We want to beat sepsis! The Grand Finale for all – the little and the big ones. Sunday 29th of January 2023 – 12PM to 5PM GRAND FINALE – WE WANT TO BEAT SEPSIS!
Brazilian Carnival at The Polish Club Bankstown
Saturday 21st of January 2023 from 7PM – Brazilian Carnival at The Polish Club Tickets $25 – LIVE MUSIC with Michał & Mirek (M&M Band) Best costume wins a bottle of champagne. Price includes cake & coffee. To book call (02) 9708 2433 or PolishClub.com.au/Carnival
Festiwal świąteczny w Bankstown
Klub Polski w Bankstow zaprasza dorosłych i dzieci na Festiwal Bożonarodzeniowy. W niedzielę 11 grudnia od godziny 13.
Watch FIFA World Cup Live @ Bankstown Polish Club
Free Entry – doors open 1 hour before kickoff – free tea & coffee Poland vs Mexico – Wednesday November 23rd at 3AM Poland vs Saudi Arabia – Sunday November 27th at 12AM Poland vs Argentina – Thursday December 1st at 6AM
Polish Independence Day Zabawa
Polish Independence Day Zabawa Saturday 12th November at 7PM. Tickets $25. Live music with M&M Band, Free glass of wine on entry. Coffee and cake.
Save the Ukraine Fundraiser at the Polish Club
The Polish Club is organising a Save the Ukraine Fundraiser. We’re raising funds for displaced Ukrainian refugees in Poland and citizens still in Ukraine. We’re fundraising from today, until the 21st of March 2022. Join us on Sunday 20th of March from 1PM while we raise funds with a day […]
Sydney’s Polish Club, located at 11 East Terrace in Bankstown, have announced it has awarded their solar contract to build a 100 kilowatt (“kW”) solar PV system to Unified Energy. Unified Energy is a known leader in the commercial solar industry that has provided small and large scale systems to […]