Kawa, która nie ma aromatu? Cytryna, którą można jeść bez skrzywienia ust, bo nie odczuwa się jej kwasoty? Takie objawy mogą świadczyć o COVID-19. Utrata węchu lub smaku zostały uznane przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia za jeden z charakterystycznych objawów zakażenia wirusem SARS-CoV-2. Jest kilka hipotez, które mogą wyjaśniać pojawienie się […]
Tag: Covid-19
A Korean BBQ restaurant in Strathfield has been fined $5,000 for having an open buffet where diners shared crockery, cutlery and food. When SafeWork NSW inspectors visited Butchers Buffet on 11 September, they observed patrons accessing plates, condiments, serving utensils, bowls and trays of food as well as shared utensils […]
Sydney’s multicultural leaders are taking steps to make sure their communities are COVID-19 safe
Who you trust is linked to how much you know Research released by Settlement Services International (SSI) debunks the rhetoric that people from migrant backgrounds don’t have adequate access to COVID-related information. It just depends on how and by whom they are informed. SSI, a leading NGO that specialises in supporting people […]
Veterinarian unmasks the fear for pets
Once an unfamiliar sight in Australian cities and towns, face masks are now increasingly commonplace, which is an adjustment not just for humans – but their four-legged friends too. To help with this change, Greencross Vets is sharing their top tips for how to familiarise pets with people wearing masks, […]
Empty grocery shelves in the lucky country
In this land of sunshine and many acres we did not expect to see empty shelves in supermarkets. We were the lucky country, persuaded by Donald Horne’s ironic title, The Lucky Country and we had slipped into a smug sense of security. But in that 1960’s publication now recognised as […]
Kolejne środki unijne trafią na walkę ze skutkami pandemii
Trwają prace nad Krajowym Planem Odbudowy. 750 mld zł – na takie wsparcie z budżetu unijnego i Europejskiego Instrumentu na rzecz Odbudowy może liczyć Polska w latach 2021–2027. To pieniądze, które m.in. pozwolą wyprowadzić polską gospodarkę z problemów, w jakich znalazła się na skutek pandemii. Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej pracuje już nad Krajowym Planem Odbudowy, […]
Is the airborne route a major source of coronavirus transmission?
Hassan Vally, La Trobe University As the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, one question that keeps coming up is whether COVID-19 can be transmitted through the air. In fact, 239 scientists in 32 countries have written an open letter to the World Health Organisation (WHO) arguing […]
Coronavirus or just a common cold? What to do when your child gets sick this winter
Shutterstock Nicholas Wood, University of Sydney and Philip Britton, University of Sydney It’s Sunday night, around 8pm, when your ten-year-old tells you she has a sore throat. She doesn’t have any other symptoms, and feels OK. You tell her “let’s see how you feel in the morning” and she happily […]
COVID-19 food hygiene: a food microbiologist’s top 3 tips
Save your sanitisers – washing your fruit and veggies under running water is the recommended cleaning method, food microbiologist Julian Cox says. While a trip to the supermarket has become a little different for most of us, what shouldn’t change are basic safe food hygiene practices. UNSW Associate Professor of […]
Ludzkość poszła o krok za daleko. Człowiek w czasach zamknięcia
“Świat zatrzymał się w miejscu, a my wraz z nim. Zamarliśmy w oczekiwaniu na to co dalej, w obawie, że przyszłości takiej, jakiej chcieliśmy, nie będzie i nie będzie już świata, jaki znaliśmy”. Tymi słowami Mariusz Szczygieł, pisarz i dziennikarz, zaczyna film “Połączeni”, opowieść o izolacji w czasach zarazy. Film […]