Tag: dr Sev Ozdowski
Reclaiming Australian Multiculturalism
(…) The successive national and state governments acknowledged multiculturalism as an official government policy; and provided a varying degree of leadership in advancing support for cultural and linguistic diversity. They have created architecture of policies and programs to support cultural diversity (although Australia did not legislate along the lines of […]
Western Sydney Open Forum
Next Western Sydney Open Forum 20 July 2016 The next Western Sydney Open Forum for 2016, will be held on Wednesday, 20 July 2016 at the at Western Sydney University Parramatta South campus, Female Orphan School, Building EZ, with refreshments at 5:30 for a 6:00pm start. The guest speaker on […]
Western Sydney Open Fora
Steve Killelea AM Steve Killelea is an accomplished entrepreneur in high technology business development and at the forefront of philanthropic activities focused on sustainable development and peace. After successfully building two international software companies, Steve decided to dedicate most of his time and fortune to sustainable development and peace. Steve founded Integrated Research […]
Cenna inicjatywa dr. Seweryna Ozdowskiego
17 lipca zakończyła się trzydniowa Konferencja poświęcona integracji australijskiego społeczeństwa. Tytuł Konferencji ‘Advancing Community Cohesion towards National Compact’ w tłumaczeniu na język polski oznaczałoby to: Poprzez Społeczną Integrację do Spójności Narodu. Pomysłodawcą a zarazem głównym organizatorem Konferencji był dr Seweryn Ozdowski – Polak, pod koniec ubiegłego roku powołany na stanowisko […]