FECCA recently made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s inquiry into elder abuse. Almost one in three older Australians were born overseas, with a signi cant number of these coming from CALD backgrounds. Almost 40% of all migrants from non-English speaking countries are aged 50 years and over, […]
Federal Budget
Summary analysis of key Federal Budget measures that impact on CALD Australians The Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) has provided an analysis of the budget measures and how it will impact people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. While welcoming particular positive measures around employment and […]
Last chance to provide feedback on digital government services!
Last chance to provide feedback on digital government services! Our 2016 Access and Equity Survey is coming to an end. This is your last chance to provide feedback about your use of digital government services and government websites. With government services increasingly moving online, FECCA is consulting to find out […]