A total of $800,000 through the Stronger Together Grants Program will be available across two rounds of Festival and Event grants and one round of Project grants. Round one is currently open and will close 17 June 2022. Rounds two and three will open later this year.
Tag: Multiculturalism
Covid has changed attitudes to community languages
A report by Macquarie University claims that the Covid pandemic has taught New South Wales that community languages are valuable for public health and social cohesion. The report entitled: What are languages worth? Community languages for the future of New South Wales 2022 was launched tonight by the Minister for […]
Sydney’s multicultural leaders are taking steps to make sure their communities are COVID-19 safe
Who you trust is linked to how much you know Research released by Settlement Services International (SSI) debunks the rhetoric that people from migrant backgrounds don’t have adequate access to COVID-related information. It just depends on how and by whom they are informed. SSI, a leading NGO that specialises in supporting people […]
Ponowna nominacja dr. Seweryna Ozdowskiego
Dr Seweryn Ozdowski został wczoraj ponownie mianowany przez Federalnego Ministra d/s Obywatelstwa i Wielokulturowości (Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs) Alana Tudge na stanowisko Prezesa w Australijskim Urzędzie Wielokulturowości (Chair of the Australian Multicultural Council). Serdecznie gratulujemy dr. Ozdowskiemu zasłużonej nominacji.
MAC requires new members
Multicultural Advisory Committee requires new members Fairfield City Council is calling for applications for the next Multicultural Advisory Committee (MAC) before Sunday 21 January 2018. The Committee comprises up to 14 members who are selected on the basis of experience working with the local multicultural community. Mayor of Fairfield City […]
Reclaiming Australian Multiculturalism
(…) The successive national and state governments acknowledged multiculturalism as an official government policy; and provided a varying degree of leadership in advancing support for cultural and linguistic diversity. They have created architecture of policies and programs to support cultural diversity (although Australia did not legislate along the lines of […]