Our friends from Poetralia Sydney will be presenting their favourite Polish Love Poetry & Song. This recital will be held in our members lounge on Thursday 15 February, 6:30pm.
Poetralia – Sydney Polish Poetry Club – will be performing a selection of their love poems and songs in the Polish Club Member’s Lounge. This event will be presented in Polish, and is free. It will prelude Polish Book Club: Love & Romance which will be held in the Amber Private Dining Room.
Poetralia – Sydney Poetry Club is a creative community association, providing a platform for poets writing in Polish to share their work and master their craft. It was formed by a group of poets performing during PolArt Sydney 2022 Visual and Performing Art Festival.
Poetralia aims to increase the profile of Polish poetry amongst general audiences and youth, as well as value and visibility of poetry in all forms, including song. Its co-founders, Elizabeth Anna Falkiewicz, Ely Chylewska, Jolanta Hildebrandt, and Bogumil Drozdowski are also experienced stage performers known to audiences of Sydney’s theatre and cabaret scene.
We are delighted to also host our friends from Poland, Mam Teatr on Sunday 25 February, 3:00pm. They will be presenting Czas na Miłość with Mam Teatr, a theatre production filled with laughs about a married couple reconnecting after their children leave home. This is their only presentation of this production while is Sydney.

Czas na Miłość | Mam Teatr
Opis: Po 25 latach małżeństwa, gdy dzieci opuściły rodzinne gniazdo, Anna pragnie na nowo ułożyć relacje z mężem. Paweł jednak nie rozumie jej starań. Podoba mu się to w czym tkwi. Zastanawia się czego chce Anna skoro przed laty już go uwiodła na dowód czego ma obrączkę. Czy uda się na nowo wykrzesać namiętność w związku?
Zmiany nie są łatwe ponieważ jest jeszcze ktoś obecny w tym związku… Ktoś bardzo ważny dla Pawła. Przyzwyczajenia prawnicze Pawła do porządku i podporządkowania życia zasadom też nie pomogą. Czy poukładany prawnik znajdzie porozumienie z nowa-starą żoną? Tego nie wiemy ale widzowie na pewno znajdą ogromną dawkę doskonałej zabawy.
W rolach głównych: Marzanna Graff i Aleksander Mikołajczak
Reżyseria: Karol Stępkowski Scenariusz: Marzanna Graff Muzyka: Danuta Błażejczyk
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRGMUCwLiEw
TICKETS: Full price $30, Concession $25
Bookings Essential | call 02 9798 7469 or email info@polishclub.au
FULL DETAILS >> https://www.polishclub.au/czas-na-milosc/

Seniors Lunch
Thursday 18 January 2024, 12:00 – 3:00pm
The Polish Club Ashfield is providing an opportunity for seniors/pensioners to experience fine dining for only $20 at Sto Lat Restaurant with our Seniors Lunch.
Upcoming dates include:
•18 & 25 January
•8 & 29 February
•14 & 28 March
The experience includes an entree, main, and dessert with choice of coffee or tea. The menu changes each Seniors Lunch.
The lunch* for 28 December included:
ENTREE | Langos | Fried Hungarian garlic bread, served with sour cream
MAIN | Slow roasted pork neck served with homemade gravy and steamed vegetables
DESSERT | Plum Cake served with Chantilly & Coffee
*Menu items are subject to change based on availability and at the culinary team’s discretion.
Schnitzel Thursday
Thursday 15, 22 & 29 February 2024
Say hello to Schnitzel Thursday at the Club! Enjoy our famous Pork Schnitzel, Chicken Schnitzel, or Polish Parmy meal every Thursday for the months of January and February.
* No additional member discount on meal deal
Lunch from 12:00pm – 3:00pm, and dinner from 5:00pm – 9:00pm.
Book your table at Sto Lat Restaurant Here. Also available at the Member’s Bar – no bookings required. We look forward to seeing you Thursday!
Valentine’s Day
Wednesday 14 February 2024
Celebrate love this Valentine’s Day at Sto Lat Restaurant. A 3 course set menu will be offered for $65.
Meet the Wine Maker
Wednesday 21 February 2024, 7:00pm
7 Course Degustation & Wine Pairing with Brown Brothers Wines
$120/p | Only 20 seats available for this exclusive event
Join us and the team from Brown Brothers Wines for this exclusive and intimate event as we discuss the Brown Brothers wineries, wines, and wine pairing. Each glass of wine is accompanied by a carefully curated European influenced dish.
From the very first vintage to the experimental Kindergarten Winery, the Brown Brothers journey of four generations of family winemaking has been anything but dull. As a key member of Australia’s First Families of Wine (AFFW), Brown Brothers is proud to have forged a reputation as innovators and trailblazers, both locally and abroad.
They brought Prosecco and Moscato to Australia. Blended Cabernet Sauvignon with Sumoll and called her Cienna. And set up their own micro-winery that they call ‘Kindergarten’ – where there’s plenty of playtime and hardly any rules.
Whilst we’ve ventured far and wide, to this day their roots remain in the Milawa region of the King Valley, where 130 years and four generations later they are still excited by oysters and sparkling at Christmas, their pioneering spirit, and that new favourite drop they know is yet to come.
Golden Age of Polish Baroque
Sunday 3 March 2024
The Polish Club Ashfield presents a rare musical performance of Polish Baroque on period instruments. Enchanting sounds of the harpsichord along with other Baroque instruments and voices will take you into the world of the king’s court and his chapel. Hear characteristic Polish Baroque in a journey to 16th and 17th century Warsaw. Led by the Polish-Australian early music specialist Joanna Butler who, together with other musicians, shall take you to the beautifully crafted musical world of Marcin Mielczewski, Adam Jarzębski and their colleagues. Experience the richness and grand beauty of one of the most famous royal courts in Europe of the time. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the Polish Baroque Golden Age.
Easter Market
Sunday 24 March 2024, 10:00am – 4:00pm
The Polish Club Ashfield Easter Market is a community based market that looks to provide and share the magic of a European Easter through inspired foods, goods, crafts, services, and entertainment.
The market will be situated indoors in the Grand Salon of The Polish Club Ashfield on Sunday 24th March 2024 from 10:00am until 4:00pm.
Currently seeking Expressions of Interest from stall holders.