On the occasion of next year’s 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Poland and Australia (20 February 1972), the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra, in cooperation with the Embassy of Australia in Warsaw, invites you to participate in the contest to create a logo commemorating and promoting this occasion.
Tag: Australia
Konkurs na logo obchodów 50-lecia polsko-australijskich stosunków dyplomatycznych
W związku z przyszłorocznymi obchodami 50. rocznicy nawiązania stosunków dyplomatycznych pomiędzy Polską i Australią (20 lutego 1972 r.), Ambasada RP w Canberze, we współpracy z Ambasadą Australii w Warszawie, zaprasza do udziału w konkursie na projekt logo upamiętniającego i promującego to wydarzenie.
Polskojęzyczne płyty CD produkowane w Australii
What do people really think about immigration to Australia? We analysed their internet usage to find out
Anna Boucher, University of Sydney Many opinion polls on migration in Australia have limited sample sizes, such as the Essential poll, which often interviews around 1,000 people. This is small when you consider there are over 215 languages other than English spoken in Australia. Running a survey, even a multi-lingual […]
It’s getting hotter, so spiders are emerging. Should I be alarmed?
Lizzy Lowe, Macquarie University and Samantha Nixon, The University of Queensland In spring and summer every year, stories about “hordes of spiders” and “flesh-eating venom” fill tabloids and social media. This rhetoric greatly exaggerates the relative risk of Australian spiders, leading to excessive pesticide use and unnecessary phobias. There are […]
Does Australia really have the deadliest snakes? We debunk 6 common myths
A red-bellied black snake Damian Michael, Author provided Damian R. Michael, Charles Sturt University; Dale Nimmo, Charles Sturt University, and Skye Wassens, Charles Sturt University As we settle into spring and temperatures rise, snakes are emerging from their winter hideouts to bask in the sun. But don’t be alarmed if […]
The neighbours were always very welcoming and warm
‘The neighbours were always very welcoming and warm’: little things count to help refugees belong Shanthi Robertson, Western Sydney University and Tadgh McMahon, Flinders University Successful settlement and integration are shared goals of refugees and the communities where they settle. The findings of our research released today highlight the importance […]
Australia’s links with China must change, but decoupling is not an option
Hans Hendrischke, University of Sydney Two events this week have illustrated two fundamental tensions in Australia’s relationship with China. The first event was China’s ambassador to Australia suggesting a Chinese boycott of Australian exports, due to Australia pursuing an independent inquiry into the early response to the COVID-19 outbreak. In […]
Polska zbiórka na rzecz odbudowy Parku Narodowego Kościuszki
W związku z pożarami trawiącymi Australię, Ambasada RP w Canberze i Ambasada Australii w Warszawie otrzymują z Polski oraz od Polonii w Australii wiele wyrazów solidarności oraz zgłoszeń gotowości niesienia pomocy. Dlatego, z inspiracji obu Ambasad, Fundacja Parków Narodowych i Dzikiej Przyrody (Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife, FNPW) uruchomiła […]
Polish Senate expresses solidarity with Australians
The Polish Senate, in a resolution adopted by the upper house of parliament on Friday, expressed its solidarity with the Australian people, who have been fighting catastrophic fires for months. The Senate session was attended by the Australian Ambassador to Poland Lloyd Brodrick, to whom Senate Speaker Tomasz Grodzki presented […]