Tag: Bourke

Lifestyle Świat

Sailing on Bourke’s open plains

Sailing across the wide-open plains out back is not an experience many people in Bourke get to experience – unless you want to take up land yachting. And devotees of land yachting say the thrill is equal to anything you’d experience on the water. Local Byrock enthusiast Colin Dunstone was bitten by the land yacht bug years ago and found that it was easier to build them himself than try and source these specialised vehicles. […]


Bourke’s National Parks a huge attraction

National Parks around Bourke are becoming a huge attraction for visitors following the relaxation of travel restrictions within NSW. The local Area Manager of National Parks and Wildlife Service, Melissa Hams says that there were 175 campers online camping bookings at local parks between Monday night and 9th July, with […]

Kultura Lifestyle Świat

Sally takes on the world! Today!

Journalist Sally Sara has carved a name for herself as one of Australia’s most respected and awarded broadcasters, covering some of the biggest stories in the toughest places around the world. Sally has reported from war torn Afghanistan and AIDS-ravaged Africa. She’s tracked down paedophiles in Mumbai and stalked the […]

Podróże Świat

Art tours over Bourke

The Back O’Bourke Gallery has shaken off the downturn after COVID-19 restrictions and has launched a new and innovative tourism product.  The first ‘Jenny Greentree Art – Bourke Air Tour’ was fully booked on Monday, and Jenny and Steve Greentree said the first flight was ‘fabulous’. The Art Tour follows […]