The Shrine of Remembrance, in partnership with the Institute of National Remembrance, Poland, presents a digital event on Saturday 27 November honouring the enduring legacy of the Australian and Polish Rats of Tobruk.
Tag: history
One Star Away. Imogena Salva
“Kiedy dzisiejszy świat wykrzykuje hasła takie jak „równość”, „integracja” i „sprawiedliwość”, wielką obrazą jest to, że świat nigdy nie zwrócił się osprawiedliwość dla kraju, który poniósł najwięcej strat i zniszczeń podczas wojny. Polska ucierpiała z powodu odmowy bycia sojusznikiem Związku Radzieckiego i Niemiec, dwóch krajów z planami eksterminacji i unicestwienia. […]
Shaved, shaped and slit – eyebrows through the ages
In ancient China, India and the Middle East, the art of eyebrow threading was popular. It is now enjoying a resurgence. Eyebrows can turn a smile into a leer, a grumpy pout into a come hither beckoning, and sad, downturned lips into a comedic grimace. So, it’s little wonder these […]
Aboriginal people lived in Australia’s desert interior 50,000 years ago
Aboriginal people lived in Australia’s desert interior 50,000 years ago, earlier than first thought New evidence shows that people have lived inland in Western Australia for more than 50,000 years. That’s 10,000 years earlier than previously known for Australian deserts. The finding comes from archaeological work performed at the request […]
High school students from across the State have an incredible opportunity to develop their understanding of the Anzac legacy by applying for a scholarship to visit battlefields and memorial sites where Australians fought overseas Minister for Veterans Affairs David Elliott today launched the 2017 Premier’s Anzac Memorial Scholarship and encouraged […]