We are super excited to announce that The Polish School of Sydney enrolments for 2020 have now OPENED!!! Please enroll as soon as possible to secure your spot for 2020. Due to classroom size restrictions limit of 20 children per class applies. We are also writing to advise of a fee increase to […]
Tag: The Polish School of Sydney
Annual mushroom picking picnic (grzybobranie)
The Polish School of Sydney grzybobranie – mushroom picking picnic 2016 foto. Express Australijski Dear Parents and Friends, The Polish School of Sydney is once again coordinating a very popular event: Annual mushroom picking picnic (grzybobranie) in the Southern Highlands, Belanglo State Forest on Sunday 2 April 2017 Please join us […]
PILNE! – Poszukujemy nauczycieli
The Polish School of Sydney pilnie poszukuje nauczycieli W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem naszej szkoły, poszukujemy nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego oraz edukacji wczesnoszkolnej. Wymagania: wykształcenie pedagogiczne (kierunkowe), pasja do nauczania dzieci, kreatywność i umiejętność pracy w zespole. Mile widziane jest doświadczenie zawodowe na ww. stanowiskach oraz dodatkowe kwalifikacje/doświadczenie w zakresie nauczania […]
Enrolment at The Polish School of Sydney
Dear Parents, Carers and Students As 2017 school year is slowly approaching we would like to be ready and prepared for all our students when they arrive on 4 February at 9 am. This email is just a quick reminder that all students need to enrol every school year prior to attending the […]