ECCNSW Congratulates the recipients of the 2016 NSW Minister's Awards for Excellence in Student Achievement for Community Languages Schools.
We are very proud of these students who make time out of their normal schools hours to attend community languages schools to learn their heritage language and culture.
There were over 130 students on the evening who received Commended and Highly Commended Awards with 10 students receiving the Ministers' Award.
The Hon. Leslie Williams MP the Assistant Minister for Education; represented the Minister for Education, The Hon Adrian Piccoli who couldn't be there, and gave a heartwarming address to all the students, teachers, volunteers and parents/carers praising them for their wonderful achievements and support for the Community Languages Schools Program.
There were close to 1000 in attendance at the UNSW Auditorium with VIP's including Consular Generals, Principals, Department of Education senior
staff, Religious and community Leaders as well as proud parents and grandparents.
There were 37 different languages represented in the Awards The 10 recipients of the Minister's Award were:
Junior section:
Emily Chan Chinese
Milan D'Cunha Swedish
Stephanie Isolabella Greek
Parami Kuruppu Sinhala
Julia Tymula Polish
Senior section:
Cindy Thao My Nguyen Vietnamese
Takumi Ohashi Japanese
Angad Singh Punjabi
Afonso Teixeira-Pinto Portuguese
Evelyn Chung Yee Yu Chinese
Congratulations to all of them for this remarcable achievement!
Esther Lozano